
So now I’m going to talk about an amazing and essential website to every book addict!
Yes! You guessed it! I’m going to talk about the amazing Goodreads.
So, Goodreads is a website where you can create your own profile and add books to it.
You can create your own shelves with the book you love, the ones you want to read, the ones you want to read…
You can join booktalks, groups, conversations, quizzes and much more!
Goodreads has always been my reading partner, since the app where I can put my reading progress always saves my life when I lose all of my bookmarkers (it happens every single time I read).
In the future I will be posting more detailed information on Goodreads. But until that day comes you always have this.
Love, Ana

Goodreads website:
My Goodreads Profile:

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